Newest Addition to the Big Bang Tango Media Lab
*Kevin Hagell's "Organism"

Big Bang Tango Media Lab; Kevin Hagell; Organism; Howard Bloom; science; Big Bang; social psychology; multimedia; grand unified theory of everything;  cosmos; evolution; soul; psychology; Big Bang Tango; animation; street animation; social sciences; attraction; repulsion; Unified Theory; Global Brain; Lucifer Principle; street culture

Organism - 13min 52sec.
by Kevin Hagell
[email protected]

Inspired by the works of Howard Bloom, Organism is
a visual interpretation of life and the way individuals
in society interact, and how these interactions are
similar to those of microorganisms. A montage of
scenic shots of cities, nature, and microorganisms.

Originally a three screen “surround” installation
video, the piece is an experiment in perception and
a commentary on evolutionary interconnectivity and
the processes of life and nature.
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